Sunday 19 September 2010

I think this makes an interesting image.....any ideas what it is?
Now you can see......its a close up of the roots of a fallen tree we came across when walking around a lake whilst on holiday in Cumbria with friends Bob and Janet

Tuesday 3 August 2010


Who can resist a beautifully prepared cup of cappuccino.......just how they manage to get the designs on them eludes me but it makes for an interesting picture......and did you notice the cream slice just in the corner? I am told on good authority that both were a special NO FAT variety !!!!!! Memories of a lovely day in Wales visiting Kerry.

Monday 12 July 2010

Winter Dinner Party

Those cold nights when we were happy to snuggle up by the fireside behind closely drawn curtains, seem so long ago after such a glorious summer. I thought that this picture taken at a dinner party this winter had that special something that brought back memories of those cosy evenings.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Winter wasn't so long ago !!

I thought that as we are now sweltering in 32 degrees ( hotter than most of the continent ) that it would be rather nice to view this picture I took back in January. It shows the Norfolk Broads completely frozen over, and reminded me of Shackleton's ship trapped in the ice when he was exploring for the elusive North West Passage.

Sunday 21 March 2010

A woodland walk

Woodland walks are always special. They give one a feeling of discovery, as if you are the first person ever to have walked that path. There is a special feeling of peace and serenity that pervades such places and, having passed through, one feels strangely refreshed but also invigorated by the experience.
This particular view was taken
in Bermuda, high ( by Bermudian standards ) above the Atlantic Ocean , that can just be seen through the trees.

Monday 15 March 2010

After the rain

This picture was taken in Bermuda shortly after a torrential downpour, but as the temperature was so warm, it dried up almost immediately. The skies still have the storm clouds but by now they are emptying themselves into the sea beyond.This beautiful tree covered with its bright crimson flowers looks if red paint had been poured on to its green leaves, but the picture is completely untouched. Bermuda is the prettiest island I have ever seen and more pictures will certainly follow. By the way, double clicking on any of the pictures will make them full screen size.

Saturday 13 March 2010

My Fishpond at Woodgate Barn

Probably the thing I miss most about our move from Woodgate Barn is my fish. Many hours were spent tending them, cleaning filters and treating the water to make sure the water was as clear as possible so that I could clearly see the fish.
This picture shows the pond off very well and so it is often viewed whenever I get withdrawal pangs. Peace and quiet in the Norfolk can't beat it.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Nicholas in Yosemite Park. California 2006

Who could resist showing this picture of my adorable Grandson, Nicholas, taken high up in the mountains of California in Yosemite Park .
He has a slightly worried look and that is understandable given that there is a rather long drop behind him which explains why he is clinging to the post. The hat was taken off because it put too much of his face in contrasting shadow.
Memories of a great holiday.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

It is a tradition, when in the vicinity, to watch the sun go down on Pebble Beach. It is so peaceful and relaxing.....almost spiritual just to sit there and enjoy the transformation from day into night. I did take rather a lot of photos that evening, and most of them could just as easily have been presented here, but space only allows me to show one. I hope you like it as much as I do?
There is something uncomfortable about this picture.....its the straight lines. Nature does not have them and so when man alters the natural, it becomes unnatural.
I am sure that training and pruning shrubs to make a statement is very clever, but to me it looks alien, but at the same time, something that asks to be photographed. So although the scene is at odds with nature, it still makes a pleasing study. (well, to me anyway!! )

Sunday 21 February 2010


Whilst visiting a garden that was open to the public, I came across a hole in the hedges and wondered why they would have left this space open. On closer inspection one could just see that there was a view to a far off lighthouse that the owners had wanted to preserve. It wasn't the easiest thing to photograph without loosing much of the foreground, but I think it works.

Saturday 20 February 2010

Bermudians have no water, no rivers, no lakes and so they collect rainwater that falls on their roofs and store it underneath their houses. Every roof is painted with limewash to purify the water and this gives all the houses that very special Bermuda feel. Houses are brightly painted and when combined with the white roofs against cloudless skies creates a picture that has to be captured through the lense. The palm trees help to emphasise
the clear blue sky.

Friday 12 February 2010

This picture is interesting because the mist is still around ( you can see it beyond the bridge ) but the shoreline is crystal clear. The background mist seems to me, to enhance the feeling of peace and stillness but at the same time encourages one to wonder what lies beyond.

Thursday 11 February 2010

It never ceases to amaze me just how many webs are spun in our gardens, and yet we never see them until a heavy dew descends and suddenly - there they are. So delicate and beautiful. Works of art and yet things of great menace to the unsuspecting bug.
The morning sun illuminates it in a way that artificial light can never do.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Mist on the lake

I thought I would begin my blog with a photo that I am particularly pleased with. It was taken early in the morning when there was a mist hanging over the water, creating that 'dreamlike' feel to the picture. I would have liked to have had more time to compose the scene, but had to rush around like mad to get the shots before the sun burnt off the mist. Keeping the lense clear was quite a problem-the swirling mists wanting to deposit condensation on it by the time I had composed the photo.